What an amazing weekend we have had celebrating my remarkable first born child. Of course it was done in a typically unique and uplifting manner- because that's just the way he rolls. He just has a magic touch when it comes to bringing people together and connecting them in a way no one would have ever expected. The joy he radiated at his birthday party seemed to shine on us all. Everyone laughed and enjoyed simple pleasures, and it was all his doing.
He welcomed his guests with gusto and ushered them in to share in the treats (promptly after requesting his gift of course). He went to great lengths to ensure that friends were happy and comfortable. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy it all too. I found myself quite overwhelmed several times in the week leading up to his party. As the phone calls rolled in from the parents of the invitees I heard again and again that it had been many years since they had been invited to a party. That they don't get to go to many social events with their friends. That they are quite a bit nervous about coming to a party after all these years and they had changed their minds several times before committing to coming. I felt that I really had to do everything I could to make this party a success. Everything had to be perfect for this bunch of kids who have missed out of what is just so standard for so many kids. I had to make sure that everyone could feel included and at ease.
All that worry and stress when I should have just known that my incredible son would have all of that sorted without any fussing from me. They were all perfectly at ease and milled about the house chatting and eating.
With some great tips from very clever people I did manage to put together a few activities to create a party vibe and keep everyone occupied if things got a bit dull. With a mix of physical disabilities and varying degrees of autism to consider, I created a new twist on an old favourite. Our game of pass-the-parcel contained challenge cards within each layer of wrap and the layers were colour coded to ensure that the task was suitable to the person receiving it. There was a great deal of laughter and the participation was far more enthusiastic than I expected. YES I can quack like a duck for a prize!! YES I will sing a line of a nursery rhyme!! YES I can do a fake burp to impress the crowd!! I thought there would be lots of kids opting to pass on a task and not take a prize- but they were more than willing. They were also happy to laugh with good nature at themselves and others.
Campbell took a bit of time to warm to the idea 'pinning the moustache on Mary- Kate and Ashley Olsen', but he was able to see the funny side and accept a prize from the basket after taking a turn. He adores them so very much that putting a silly moustache on them was quite a challenge for him. I think that my gorgeous helper Beth probably drummed up most of the enthusiasm for that game and made it a success.
The cake was beautiful and made with love by my Mum and created lots of enthusiasm after the first slice came away to reveal a lolly filled centre. It was delicious too!!
This gorgeous 'Happy Birthday' bunting comes from Vintage Prints and was delivered promptly to complete our party. |
Thank you to all of the well- mannered and enthusiastic guests, thank you to all of the inspirational parents who joined the festivities, and thank you to my beautiful boy who fills my chest with pride.