Sunday, 12 February 2012

I made something!!!

 After another wonderful weekend of planning, cooking and feasting I decided to hit the sewing machine this afternoon. The wish flags warmed me up but barely equate to sewing.
I started with my favourite piece of fabric I had ordered on etsy with absolutely no idea of what to do with it. It is just a fat quarter so my options were fairly limited. I created a simple but cute little bag, but will need to get some extra fabric to make the strap- I am thinking green. I added a little felt flower that I had bought in the Country Women's Association shop in SA.
Satisfied with my quick little project I got more adventurous. No pattern and no idea what I am doing, but I whipped up a little pair of pajama shorts for Joe. I used left over curtain material so it didn't matter if I stuffed them up. Joe loves them!!! I will have to explore some technique tutorials for the next item (pretty dodgy in a few spots). It may be a good idea to get a pattern too ;) But I am excited to say I have made my first item of clothing!!

I almost forgot I made a cute paper Valentines decoration too!

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