Joe went to great efforts to recreate the Zoo experience for those of us who missed out! The tent become the tour of all tours- the Owl enclosure (our upstairs bed) was a wonderful opportunity to view and photograph the amazing Hedwig!!! Eric was even permitted a pat in his tour. The monkeys were swinging from the tent poles and also available for purchase for a reasonable 1c. I did not need persuasion. The snake pit/ dirty laundry basket contained several deadly snakes. The sword snake was very scary as it had a very sharp end, according to my expert tour guide. The yellow bendy snake was also very dangerous and had to be handled with care. It was an amazing tour!!

Welcome to the tour!
The scary snake pit!!
WOW Joe! This sounds amazing, what a fabulous creative mind you have. I am so happy you got to see the zoo, and hope you saw the pandas as well. When I was in Adelaide you had to book for the Pandas and I never got to see them as I left early to avoid the cyclone heading for Perth (that never arrived).